I put structure at the end of this tutorial because it is natural as an internet entrepreneur that you may be all focused on website structure. Perhaps you are thinking that if you could just happen upon the right structure your business will explode (another power word:)

The internet does have several quirky structural characteristics about it but, structure does not determine the success of your website. There will be many "gurus" who may try to sell you their structure. Avoid those "opportunities" as if you will contract Ebola virus from them.

You are not writing for a newspaper, or a school term paper, or a doctoral thesis when you are writing content for your website.Web readers are "skimmers." Keep your paragraphs short.

There is a reason that Twitter keeps its' "tweets" to 140 characters or less (number of letters). The usual web reader has a very short attention span. If your content looks daunting your site visitor may just leave.

It is also a good idea to place images on you pages and posts on the right side of the copy. Neuroscientists that have studied the reading habits of web readers have been able to show that they read in a "F" fashion.

That is, they skim from right to left (no matter the language) and then skim down the left hand column. Images placed on the left will cause them to skip the printed copy and just look at the images. Curious, eh?

It is also a really good idea to include images embedded into your copy as they tend to evoke emotion. Remember...emotion "super glues" memory. Just make sure your images are consistent with your content.

Finally, be sure to have subheadings and some bold highlighting of your copy. If the regular internet reader skims you want them to at least focus on the bold main points. Here again the idea is to get your reader to remember your content so they will return.

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Vasiliy Premium
That was an amazing lesson for me. I am in my initial stages of writing a content for a web site and I have mixed thoughts as to what to write about and how to write it. Thanks a lot.
videre Premium
Ty Vasiliy...hope it helps. Just remember...you are having a conversation with a friend when you write you posts.
Anewcreature Premium
What an awesome illustration! ! You worded as such it was definitely in line with marketing. Thanks and keep up the great work!
videre Premium
Ty...I try to learn from my mistakes:)
videre Premium
Ty Mayun...I hope you found it useful.
MayuriW Premium
Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much for taking your time to write this useful content. Sure will implement it. Thanks
NWinter Premium
Very well put. The angle used is a great illustration. I have definitely made this mistake and lost some friends in the process. I have been here about two weeks and am just taking it slow, slow, slow. Thank you!
videre Premium
Ty Nicholas...have a ball growing. If I may be of help please let me know.