Powerful content matters in everything. Imagine you are attracted to someone and would like to get to know them better. On the surface they have the physical qualities that you like in a person. They are fit, have manners, dress well, and in casual conversation seem to "speak your language." So you set up a first date.

On the first date things begin well. They are on time, they are dressed appropriately, use proper language, and suggest a very nice restaurant to have your first dinner. So far their behavior has been consistent with your first impression.

During dinner you start off with "safe topics" such as what they do for a living, places they have traveled to, etc. All good...they like to travel, see new places, enjoy other cultures, etc. This is going well so far:)

After a few glasses of wine, the conversation becomes less pressured. You share one of your heart felt passions (you do volunteer work at a dog shelter) and your date asks, "You mean they don't pay you?" You emphasize that what you are committed to doesn't come with a price tag.

The conversation continues on and then they ask you this question, "Do you ever look at new ways to make money?" Your response is that you do but not generally on first dates.

Your "date" says, "You thought this was a date? I wanted to get to know you better to see if you would join my Am..y business. I am going to be successful in it someday." Your heart sinks...their intention was not to get to know you but, instead, they see you as an MLM (multi-level marketing) commodity.

Ok, ok maybe that never happened to you but you know how you would feel. Words such as "deceived", "lied to", or "used" come to mind, right? You would never do that to anyone else would you?

I thought you wouldn't. That is just the reason why you want the content on your website to be excellent.All the clever graphics, intuitive marketing, and hard work you would do for your website does not replace the most important characteristics for your site...credibility and integrity.

The quality of your website content says more about you as a person than the information you are giving away for free. It is evidence of your character. Whether you know it or not the success of your website depends on it. You are essentially "dating" each new and recurrent visitor to your website.

I really know this...I was one of those Am..y distributors:) In order to "succeed" everyone became a prospect. I lost my credibility before too long and, of course, never made a dime in the business.

This tutorial is designed to introduce you to the 3 writing characteristics that will help you create powerful content. Excellent content is linked to strong credibility.

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Vasiliy Premium
That was an amazing lesson for me. I am in my initial stages of writing a content for a web site and I have mixed thoughts as to what to write about and how to write it. Thanks a lot.
videre Premium
Ty Vasiliy...hope it helps. Just remember...you are having a conversation with a friend when you write you posts.
Anewcreature Premium
What an awesome illustration! ! You worded as such it was definitely in line with marketing. Thanks and keep up the great work!
videre Premium
Ty...I try to learn from my mistakes:)
videre Premium
Ty Mayun...I hope you found it useful.
MayuriW Premium
Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much for taking your time to write this useful content. Sure will implement it. Thanks
NWinter Premium
Very well put. The angle used is a great illustration. I have definitely made this mistake and lost some friends in the process. I have been here about two weeks and am just taking it slow, slow, slow. Thank you!
videre Premium
Ty Nicholas...have a ball growing. If I may be of help please let me know.