You have heard it said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It is a very pregnant statement. It doesn't just mean that we give to others what we want to give to them. When you dig deeper it actually means that we are to understand the needs of others and help to meet them.

It is what is called empathy. Empathy can be defined as, "understanding or feeling what some other person is experiencing from their point of view (not ours)."When it comes to the content of your website, you will want to enter into an empathetic point of view with your readers

What are they interested in? What are their needs? When you can answer those questions about you niche group (the group of people you are serving) you will be very effective at choosing the topics for your content.

What is the best way to meet a need for your niche group? Solve a problem for them. In fact, most needs are problems that we cannot solve ourselves. In the case of 2 of my websites, I help to solve the problem of physical pain for my readers.

By the way, I am not saying to forget what your interests are. In fact, if you try to meet a need without being interested in it (just because the need exists) you will lose your motivation. It will be another job. Instead, select a niche that is needed and you are passionate about.

In order to have true empathy you will not only have to have an open heart to see something from another's point of view, but you will have to do some research. Your point of view you already understand. What is in the head of your readers?

This is not natural for most people. One of the ways you will understand your reader's point of view is to know what they are searching for on the internet. The best way to find out is to use a keyword research tool or KRT. A KRT tells you what your niche group is looking for by disclosing the words people use while searching.

Every human being has a certain vernacular that they use (collection of words). You will not naturally understand everyone's vernacular. A KRT expands your understanding about how others express themselves with words. I use Jaaxy for my favorite KRT. It is simple to use and gives comprehensive information about keyword terms.

So now that you understand empathy, let's move on to my second requirement for writing powerful content...emotion.

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Vasiliy Premium
That was an amazing lesson for me. I am in my initial stages of writing a content for a web site and I have mixed thoughts as to what to write about and how to write it. Thanks a lot.
videre Premium
Ty Vasiliy...hope it helps. Just are having a conversation with a friend when you write you posts.
Anewcreature Premium
What an awesome illustration! ! You worded as such it was definitely in line with marketing. Thanks and keep up the great work!
videre Premium
Ty...I try to learn from my mistakes:)
videre Premium
Ty Mayun...I hope you found it useful.
MayuriW Premium
Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much for taking your time to write this useful content. Sure will implement it. Thanks
NWinter Premium
Very well put. The angle used is a great illustration. I have definitely made this mistake and lost some friends in the process. I have been here about two weeks and am just taking it slow, slow, slow. Thank you!
videre Premium
Ty Nicholas...have a ball growing. If I may be of help please let me know.