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Edu's Training Tutorials

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Chezbrown Premium
Thanks for such a great tutorial.
TopAchiever Premium
My pleasure Chez!
Brookline Premium
Right on the ball as usual.... Thank you
TopAchiever Premium
You are welcome!
DJ-Yogi Premium
It's new or isn't it?
TopAchiever Premium
Yes DJ! Brand Spanking New! :-)
Loes Premium
Thanks Edu, you are great! Nice signature;) I have all 100% amazing Loes comments on all categories:)
TopAchiever Premium
Yes Loes! I'm assuming that if we receive new referrals after today that this will surely change, then we can really put it to the test! :-)

I noticed this too! Either we are very good at communicating with our referrals or we are missing a few inputs of data somewhere!

Let me know if this status changes for you!

Dank U Wel!
Loes Premium
Or you just have a few;)
Cali Premium Plus
Good to know how easy that really is.

Thx cali
TopAchiever Premium
That is just the process, the application of keeping up with the tasks is another story and requires discipline.

But it's good to start from scratch and to be better able to interact with our referrals.