Do the demographics of your Pinterest audience really matter? Yes and no. The “interests” tab on the “your audience” page is important for all businesses. The data on country, city, language, and gender of your audience might not be important. That depends on your business and your target audience.

For instance, if you run a local business, such as a bakery or yoga studio, then you need to look at this information. If gender is an important aspect of your target audience, then you should pay attention to gender to see if you're attracting who you want. In cases that you're not pulling in the demographic you want, think of new content ideas or approaches to attract more of your target audience. Or, you could add a target market based on the results you see with your Pinterest page. It depends on what makes sense for your business.

The “interests” tab shows you the top 18 topics your Pinterest audience is interested in based on their pinning habits. This is good for giving you more insight into your audience. If you share one of the interests AND it's appropriate for your business, then consider creating a board on it. Not every board on your Pinterest profile has to be directly related to your business. Many customers like to get to know more of who you are as a person too. However, you should still remain professional. It wouldn't be a good idea to create a board on “hot bikini babes”, “college girls”, or “my favorite sex toys” unless you business is in that type of industry.

Also check out “pinner boards with lots of your pins” because it gives you a chance to interact with your audience. Look at the pins on their boards and either like or repin what interests you or would be helpful to your target audience. You could also leave a comment on one of the pins, which is a feature not commonly used on Pinterest at this point in time.

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johnwnewman Premium
Nice tutorial!
Kit-Wealth Premium Plus
Great training, thank you!
Good luck,