Lower Your Facebook Ad Costs

Several ways can help you lower your Facebook ad costs. One way is to create more specific targeting. Using demographics and interests, you can target people likely to be interested in your product or service.

Also, you can target people with specific milestones like a new job or a new baby. Narrowing your audience will lower your cost-per-click, so you don't have to compete with other brands or lose money in a bidding war.

Another way is to set a low budget. Facebook lets you run ads with a low budget, but this can limit your reach. Setting an ad budget depends on your bidding and the time you want to run the ads.

If you're using automatic bidding, ensure a daily budget of at least $1.00. You should also have at least two times your CPC for automatic bidding.

Another tip to lower your Facebook ad costs is to create multiple campaigns with different AOVs. For example, you should set up different campaigns for different products.

If your AOVs are different from each other, then set up different campaigns. This will spread your budget more evenly over the lifetime of the campaign. Ultimately, this strategy can help you lower costs by generating higher-quality traffic.

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west2000 Premium
Some interesting ideas, Lily. Although I'm not doing ads, I've found that my organic FB traffic is steadily increasing. Every little bit can help. Nice training!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That's great to hear Susan.
You're heading in the right direction.
You don't have to do ads and when it's all new it can cost a lot of money without reward.

Lily 😊🎶
Zoopie Premium
I did something with peak times, this may help. Great training. Thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
This is excellent Stephen.
A great guide to when to post.
Thanks so much.

Zoopie Premium
Pooling resources will help us all.