Improve Your Facebook Organic Reach

In the world of social media, increasing your Facebook organic reach is essential. As the average organic reach has fallen by about 4% since 2013, it is time to do something about it.

This means utilizing the advertising system or finding organic reach methods that work. These strategies are not as hard as you might think!

a) Try engaging in Facebook contests – This will increase the engagement level of your posts and encourage your followers to leave comments on them. Similarly, you can host a caption competition and get many participants' responses. This will push your post to the top of your audience's News Feed. It will increase your organic reach by several points.

But remember to keep these tips in mind while creating your Facebook content to get the most out of your social media campaigns!

b) Use evergreen content – Evergreen content increases the organic reach by at least 40%. In addition to being engaging, you can share evergreen content many times. And it will continue to drive traffic!

Evergreen content has the added advantage of being a great way to generate traffic and engage fans. So, if you can increase your Facebook organic reach, you're well on your way to success!

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west2000 Premium
Some interesting ideas, Lily. Although I'm not doing ads, I've found that my organic FB traffic is steadily increasing. Every little bit can help. Nice training!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That's great to hear Susan.
You're heading in the right direction.
You don't have to do ads and when it's all new it can cost a lot of money without reward.

Lily 😊🎶
Zoopie Premium
I did something with peak times, this may help. Great training. Thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
This is excellent Stephen.
A great guide to when to post.
Thanks so much.

Zoopie Premium
Pooling resources will help us all.