You now know that DuckDuckGo is driven by Yandex's data services and how to submit your website to Yandex to get indexed.

This means your website will also be visible to people that use Yandex directly.

The Yandex Webmaster console provides lots of other useful tools that you might want to explore - for example, important pages. This enables you to indicate to Yandex that they need to keep an eye on specific pages that might change quite often (like your homepage).

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AlanJE Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing Phil I never heard of it previously, Best Alan
LouisaB Premium
Thank you fot this training. I think this tool is worth the time to use. It's new to my ears, but I'm up for trying anything that will help me get more exposure and traffic.
Loes Premium
Thank you, every little bit of exposure helps, I will take action to this soon
Kettei Premium
As your site is probably well established, you may find it's already been discovered by Yandex but it's worth registering just to access their webmaster tools.
Loes Premium
JMankanda Premium
Thanks for sharing this. ...there is a lot to learn
Kettei Premium
You're welcome. There's always lots to learn. :)
LifestyleGig Premium
Thank you for this information.
Kettei Premium
You're welcome. I hope it's helpful.