Step Out Your Knowledge

There are 3 facets to this step:

  • Write our your training in steps inChronological Order
  • Choose the number of steps with a Bonus Tip and
  • Be aware of Formatting

Writing out your content in Chronological Order might sound a little obvious however when creating a training I recommend planning out your steps on paper. Or at least writing them out in order and put on a separate screen to refer too often when writing your content. No doubt you will have interruptions when creating your trainings particularly if they are more than 1 or 2 pages long. So document your overall plan so you can stay focused and concise in your content. This is also handy when you're proof reading your training before you publish and making sure your pages are in the page positions you want and not some how out of order. This will have a direct effect on your audience's experience of your training. Most importantly, go through the knowledge you are sharing, step by step. And even challenge yourself if you are currently doing it the best way. I love doing that. Once I have finished this training I'm going to go back over my existing 4 training and make sure I have actioned what I teach!

I find an odd Number of Steps is helpful. Odd number lists look good to the eye. They have a natural sense of balance by having a central point. This enables participants to feel a sense of accomplishment once over the half way point. I have been using this idea in training and marketing for years. I'm sure there is psychological evidence to this, which I will endeavour to find and add to this training. However, for those willing to trust and take a leap of faith. Give it a go and let me know your results.

Bonus tip: Within these odd number of steps also try to build each step up from the next in chronological order but also in order of importance. This is not always achievable. But try to leave the'gold till last' or what makes your training stand out from the rest.

For example, when I mentor public speakers or aspiring public speakers using this structure. I teach to include calls to action. This is often missed by many trainers. Some reason they don't want to come across as 'salesy'. While making a blatant sales pitch (here in WA particularly) is not appropriate or a good way to build rapport or long term relationships. Gently encouraging participants to complete the training and know where they can get more of your training if they're interested is just good customer service.

Finally, Formatting is essential. I use similar principles to formatting like when I write a blog post. It needs to be set out in a way that it is easy to find your main points and content for those wishing to scan through first. But also have enough content to satisfy those that prefer to read every word.

Sounds like a big ask, but I can assure you the balance can be found. To test this, once you have completed your training. Take a break from it. Walk away and come back to it and read through it from beginning to end as though you were a participant and see how it looks and feels. This is very powerful and meaningful for you as a training creator but most importantly for your participants. This way you know they are getting a quality experience.

The Next Step is one of my favourites. Well they all are but now we are building up to the peak, critical steps for a high quality structure. Let's get a move onto Step 4 What is a void and why use them?:

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spurway Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing, great advice
fleurallen Premium
My absolute pleasure I hope it was helpful to you
PaulaKeen Premium
Once again another great training Fleur! Very thorough walk through. I do like the section explain the voids, but the call to action is a must read for all!. I am going to copy it down and reread again tomorrow, as I'm sure I've missed a few things. Thanks so much once again. I greatly appreciate reading these trainings.

I was just going over in my mind what I was going to start calling your collection of trainings, lol... its so funny how we do those kinds of things :o)
fleurallen Premium
Paula I'm delighted you got so much out of it and I love how we are learning so much from each other as you're trainings are so different to mine - yay
PaulaKeen Premium
Yes, I like creating lots of visuals for folks. Makes it easier to comprehend when you're already learning so much here in WA to get up and running. :o). Enjoying the journey of learning from one another! Thanks Fleur.
fleurallen Premium
Absolute pleasure Paula!
Carol46 Premium
I found the training excellent all the way through, Fleur, but if I had to give my best take away from the training I would say The Call To Action. This is an essential step to ask for the sale.
fleurallen Premium
Great thanks Carol, appreciate the feedback and also your best take away appreciated!
pablocortina Premium
Very helpful. Thank you
fleurallen Premium
Absolute pleasure Pablo, delighted you found it helpful
MKearns Premium
Excellent training Fleur. You structured it well leading up to the logical end of a funnel and traditional use of a landing page...Call to Action! Reel that customer in!!
fleurallen Premium
Thanks Michael, yes this structure can be used in many places. Thanks for taking the time to read