Before I start with the subtle ways you can do to promote Wealthy Affiliate on your niche website, let me point out the two things you should NOT do. ONE, do not create a stand-alone post about Wealthy Affiliate and TWO, do not use any Wealthy Affiliate banners like below.
Both of these ways will definitely confuse your website visitors, which in turn will provide a poor UX, User Experience, which can negatively affect your rankings. What would you think if you went on a website about treatments for diabetes and there was a post about making money with WA?
It just would not make any sense seeing a post like that on a website that is not relevant to WA. The same is true for seeing an affiliate banner widget in the sidebar, footer and header areas, as well as within the content. Again, it is not relevant to your niche, so DO NOT do this. Relevancy is a Google ranking factor.
These first two ways I cannot take credit for. Using an Author Box and creating your own relevant looking widget. These were ideas that Sharon, sharonwhyte, did in her recent training on this very subject. I will put the link to her training with my links on the last page of this tutorial.
I like her idea of the Author Box, especially if the theme you are using provides for that feature. It gives you the opportunity to drop a link to your WA profile to further introduce yourself to your website visitors. There is another way you can get people to your WA profile and I will explain how I do this on the next page.
NEXT UP = How I promote WA on my niche website