When newbies join here, within minutes you’ll be followed by Kyle and Carson, as well as the person who referred you, unless you joined via Kyle or Carson.
Within a couple of hours you could easily have dozens of followers. It’s really important that you follow back as this is how you build your network and promote yourself.
Additionally, each time you log into WA, go to your profile and at the bottom of your Bio, you’ll see New Members (build your personal network) -
click on all 10 in the row and then click refresh and get the next 10. Do this 10 times and you’ve followed 100 members in less than 5 minutes. If you do this every day, you’ll be following 700 members a week, these all add up very quickly and I’ve found that on average ⅓ of the people you follow, follow you back, which means that just by doing this process you could get 250+ new followers every week. That’s a lot of connection, and a lot of engagement for just clicking your mouse.