I've already given you the tip about setting alarms for every task you complete regarding your business, now it's time to reveal my next tip.

Writing everything down.

If you're having a hard time following a routine, then it's time to write it down. I highly recommend getting yourself a planner. Yes, we have calendars in our smartphones, but writing things down and seeing them in our handwriting helps with retaining the information.

Using a planner has kept me from going insane. LOL

At one point, I even had to schedule "eat lunch" into my planner so I wouldn't forget.

There are tedious things that we overlook when we get caught up in working on our business. Having a friendly reminder is a great way to stay on track.

It also helps for when your routine does get out of the norm due to special events like a friend's birthday or a doctor's appointment.

Keeping a planner handy is also going to help keep you accountable for the tasks you have to complete. It's like physical proof of what you need to get done.

I use a weekly planner. It starts in July and ends in June. If you'd like, you can get a dry erase calendar, or just use the app on your phone. Just remember to turn your notifications ON.

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marytyas Premium
great tips..thanks
LouisaB Premium
This is awesome. Lots of details. Thanks for sharing.
dlibreros Premium
You're welcome Louisa.
markr0675 Premium
Some great ideas here Diana. Thank you! Time management is a tough one sometimes.

Happy Friday!!
Judy-B Premium
Great reminders. I like to write things down. I have notebooks all over the place. :) Thank you for taking the time to share this training. :)
dlibreros Premium
You're welcome JudyB!
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the instruction
dlibreros Premium
You're welcome Pablo!