WA has a thriving community which you'll want to make the most of In your first 7 days before you decide whether to take out the Premium Membership. Here in more detail are ways in which you can communicate with others.

Fill in your personal profile and load an image

You don't have to write loads of information in your personal profile, but it's a lot easier to communicate with someone who's taken the time to load up and image and write a couple of lines about themselves.

Use Live Chat

I must admit when they first implemented the Live Chat, I was a bit horrified. I thought it was an old boys club. It wasn't. One day I decided I wanted to ask something, I did and someone helped me out. So don't worry if you see lots of conversations going on. If you want to chat or ask someone something go ahead and do it. Will you always get an answer? Occasionally you won't - but that's generally not personal. Keep your questions short.

You can read more about how people use Live Chat here

Drop into the Getting Started Classroom

This is where you can communicate with other new members (and some established ones) on a range of different issues. You will find a variety of discussions going on and it's an opportunity for you to ask or answer questions.

Use the blog spaces

You have your own blog space where you can write about your experiences and ask more complex questions. You can also leave comments for other people on their blog space. For example you may want to leave a note on the blog space of the member who signed you up.

Ask questions

If you're going to ask questions (and I hope you will), you'll want them to be as effective as possible. One of the most common questions newcomers asked is
"Can I ask a question?" - Yes you can. You can ask what you like - so don't waste time with that one - just ask.

Don't ask too many questions at once or people get fed up. Too often it's a sign that you haven't bothered to read properly.

Try and be specific in your questions. I know this can be a challenge if you're not sure exactly what you're talking about but "Can you help me?" isn't terribly useful.

Never be afraid to ask questions because you think it's stupid. It's the way we learn

You can read my tips for asking questions

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Shields Premium
Beautiful and simple and straightforward and well thought out. Thank you so much; I sure hope the starters are following you!
BIS Premium
Thank you. I thought of you when I did the quotes and made sure the colours were more muted!
Shields Premium
Good, the teacher in me loves knowing I have extended a little knowledge to a great student. :-)
BIS Premium
LOL - well the teacher in me - normally ignores all other teachers!
lorriebrown3 Premium
This is awesome. Nice, simple and easy to follow. It can be a bit overwhelming coming into WA for the first time.

This post with clear instructions I believe will be welcomed with open arms.

Thank you much!
BIS Premium
Thanks. I hope newcomers will find it useful and hopefully follow some of the advice..
kaliinozarks Premium
Good information - and right to the point. I need to learn to be more brief! Nice job.
BIS Premium
LOL. Being brief isn't my natural style - I have to work at it. Glad you enjoyed it.
uakoko Premium
WOW, Beverly! This is GREAT! And it hits all the nails squarely on their heads! I wish I had had this in my first DAY...There is so much here that, in the beginning, I ran from one thing to another, like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off. Thank you so so much! I'm copying all the "sayings"...
BIS Premium
Thank you. I know how you feel. I was so utterly overwhelmed when I joined three years ago that I did nothing for more than a year!
MarieC Premium
This is excellent, Beverly! Caling all new members... check out this training ASAP! Beverly lays it out for you in a coherent and concise manner -- everything you need to know to make your 7 days as beneficial as possible. Time is flying!

On behalf of a few new member friends I've made here at WA just recently, Beverly -- THANKS!

BIS Premium
Thanks Marie. I wrote because I know how often I've tried something for 7 days and missed out on the free trial period. In fact - I did it again only a couple of weeks ago - so I hope a few new members will find it useful.