Tip 4 - Use good-feeling words for your target audience

Describe tasks, products or needs with exactly the same words as your target audience would use. Because we use certain words for good reason. Our personal idiom is linked to our attitudes and emotions. A website that appeals to us with these attractive words, touches our nerve. Sometimes without us being aware of it.

There are many ways to identify the good-feeling words from your audience. Read websites and magazines which are read by your target audience. Read the comments on blogs and forums.

When you are promoting WA, go to the money thread and feel and read the hope of new members. Do something with answers like this: I would love to make enough money to cover my personal/family expenses and save also for traveling which is my passion.

and: I would be ecstatic earning enough to make ends meet and have some left over for other things like a vacation or savings.

Feeling Words enhance the seductive power of our texts. As writers, we must therefore have a flair for words. For these words can sometimes be the final push needed by visitors to perform the desired action.

Check this post from TJBooks for 1000 exciting words

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BarbaraJP Premium
Thank you, Loes! Excellent training! I haven't ran across Homepage training before. This is awesome!
Loes Premium
Thanks, my pleasure Barbara:)
PaulaLloyd1 Premium
Enjoyed this and very true. First impressions are important I see some sites that even as I read on I don't know what they are trying to accomplish. Thank you and hope things are well with you.
Loes Premium
Thanks Paula, I am very well:) How are you doing?
TGrisaft Premium
Great Job and this is definitely a keeper for future. Thanks for sharing.
Loes Premium
Thanks Tom:)
BBrandt Premium
This will be bookmarked into my library. THANKS.

Loes Premium
Thanks Bruce:)
Darwyn Premium
Hey Loes, hope you are well? Great training and tips as always. I got a copy of TJBooks 1000 exciting words quite a while ago now but I still refer to it now and again. Thank you for sharing.
Loes Premium
Hi Darwyn, I am fine, thank you, how are you doing? Great blog of TJ:)
Darwyn Premium
Doing great thanks Loes. Researching far too many shiny objects at the moment, need to get back on track!! Still loving WA though!
Loes Premium
Don't fall for these shiny thingy's Darwyn