Tip 2 - Create a starting point

There is one habit that many Internet users have in common: impatience. Think about it: after arriving on a website you want within seconds to know what to do and where to start, otherwise you are gone.

Web marketer Seth Godin compares Internet users with monkeys that are hurriedly looking for one thing: a banana. Translated into Internet that banana as a striking visual element which cries out to be clicked.

Smart web designers therefore provide a clear starting point on the homepage. Something the visitor's eye is automatically drawn to it. For example, a huge button in a different color. Such a 'banana' ensures tranquility and focus. For it is clear where your visitors can begin, no matter how much clutter the homepage has.

The starting point increases the likelihood that visitors will click it on your homepage. Missing this primary point, the Back button is perhaps the only thing they click.

Write for the starting a concrete, enticing call to action:

Call the act: for example, use words such as order here, request to register, log in, vote, send.

Tickle a need: Internet users are mostly interested in convenience, time saving and price advantage. But you can also try to address other needs, such as pleasure, cleverness or control.

Use classic 'click magnets: For example: Now, direct, free, discount, save, benefit, simple, secret, success tips.

Examples of home pages with a striking specific call to action:


Changing call to action buttons!


Simply briljant idea!

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BarbaraJP Premium
Thank you, Loes! Excellent training! I haven't ran across Homepage training before. This is awesome!
Loes Premium
Thanks, my pleasure Barbara:)
PaulaLloyd1 Premium
Enjoyed this and very true. First impressions are important I see some sites that even as I read on I don't know what they are trying to accomplish. Thank you and hope things are well with you.
Loes Premium
Thanks Paula, I am very well:) How are you doing?
TGrisaft Premium
Great Job and this is definitely a keeper for future. Thanks for sharing.
Loes Premium
Thanks Tom:)
BBrandt Premium
This will be bookmarked into my library. THANKS.

Loes Premium
Thanks Bruce:)
Darwyn Premium
Hey Loes, hope you are well? Great training and tips as always. I got a copy of TJBooks 1000 exciting words quite a while ago now but I still refer to it now and again. Thank you for sharing.
Loes Premium
Hi Darwyn, I am fine, thank you, how are you doing? Great blog of TJ:)
Darwyn Premium
Doing great thanks Loes. Researching far too many shiny objects at the moment, need to get back on track!! Still loving WA though!
Loes Premium
Don't fall for these shiny thingy's Darwyn