So ...

As I said, adding a click-to-tweet box to your posts or pages is extremely easy ...

All you have to do, is to insert the ...

[bctt tweet="This is the actual text of your tweet"]

... shortcode in your content:

Or, you can click the shortcode generator button in your toolbar to display a small editor window where you can edit your tweetable quote ...

And here's the live result ...

And that's it! The plugin will automatically add a link back to your post as well as your Twitter handle to the post when a user clicks to tweet.

Cool, isn't it?

More than that, you can easily add some extra parameters to your shortcode in order to customize the tweet box.

For example, you can change the default dofollow "Click to tweet" link to a nofollow link:

[bctt tweet="Text of the tweet goes here" nofollow"yes"]

And you can change the default anchor text to whatever you want. For example, the following shortcode ...

[bctt tweet="Text of the tweet goes here" prompt="Share the knowledge!"]

... will look like this:

Finally, if you want, you can exclude the post or page URL from your tweet:

[bctt tweet="Text of the tweet goes here" url="no" via="no"]

And that's it my friends!

If you have any comments, further questions or update requests please don't hesitate to react! Like, comment and share!

And don't forget, you can easily come back to this tutorial whenever you want.

All you need to do is to bookmark the categorized, daily updated register of my blogs and training materials. Here it is:

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Thanks for your time!

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oforirich125 Premium
please can someone explain what they meant by twitter handle ? is it talking about my twitter username or what ? thank you
BenjisDad Premium Plus
You handle is your user name on twitter. so for instance, oforirich125 is yuor WA handle.

Does that make sesne?
oforirich125 Premium
wow i just tried the plugin and it works so good , how can i underestimate the power of social media ?, thanks to Smarketeer and BenjisDad for this great discovery . am waiting for any other plugin for facebook share, i wish it exist though !
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time!
dowj01 Premium
Great little plugin, always good to increase site engagement.
Thank for the tutorial.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
GlenPalo Premium Plus
I use them because they work. Plus, they make a great way to break up blocks of text.
smartketeer Premium
I agree!

Thanks for stopping by Glen!
C-Lab Premium
Excellent lesson Zed!
I've looking forward to this one for a minute.
You're right: I keep seeing these damn boxes on people's sites and thinking to myself "how do they do that?"
Now I know!
Thank your for sharing this training with us, I appreciate it!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time my friend!
BorisRoman Premium Plus
Thank you so much, Zsolt, for another great training!

All the best!

smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Bob!