3. Post Timely

    I have established the need for engagement on your content to increase its reach. Facebook is a rewarding post with high engagement with more engagement. It is where posting promptly comes to play its effect.

    You will increase your chances of gaining likes and comments by posting promptly. The concept of the best time to post various platforms is not hidden any longer.

    Importantly, you cannot just post at any time expecting a result. Be strategic with your time of posting. Based on this timing, you can create a schedule for your content on Facebook. You will be able to keep time and not miss your posting time.

    4. Prioritize Engagement Via Comment

    Many times we think engagement stops with posting content on your Facebook page. It is the beginning. When you create a post and people react by commenting, you must respond to the comment.

    So doing, you gain more interaction. The reply is a part of social media engagement. No one likes sending messages and not getting a response. You must respond to the post promptly. It is the only way to show that you are listening to your clients and followers alike.

    5. Engage with More Images

      Visual content is that form of content that makes things happen on social media. Visuals naturally create higher engagement when combining with text. If you will make a difference in your content on Facebook, you must add visuals.

      In a bid to use pictures, don’t overcrowd your content with free pictures from stock photos. Take some time and create your pictures. So doing, it will be easy to show the personality behind your brand.

      Always bear in mind that images can help your audience to take a critical look at your content. Ensure your images are rich with striking colours, good landscape. This set of images naturally perform well when embedded in the content.

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      JoanneSantos Premium
      Thank you very much for this article. I really needed to read this.
      I plan on starting to do this different on my FB page.

      Be Safe
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Joanne,

      I am glad you found it useful and implementable on the immediate.

      JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
      Great points to remember and to utilize.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Jerry,
      I am glad you found it engaging

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for another great lesson Ayodeji.
      Parameter Premium
      I appreciate your kind words Mike. I have continually looked at your new profile picture. I cannot understand why the lion has his hands on the head.
      lesabre Premium
      Hi Ayodeji, the lion was having a bad day. Hopefully, things will get better
      Parameter Premium
      Definitely things will get better.

      Kingschido Premium
      Hello, and thanks for the training.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you for the time taken to see the training.
