6. Use Video Content

    Video content do very well on Facebook, they are not hiding their desire to create more video engagement. They discourage sharing of URL but want you to post videos directly as native content.

    What this implies is that you should do more of creating and uploading directly on Facebook. Where possible, do Live videos on Facebook. If you can do this regularly, you will gain high engagement from Facebook

    7. Keep your Audience on Facebook

      Facebook wants people to spend a lot on their platform. Reduce post containing links to another platform as much as possible. Create video content on Facebook and share it on the platform as much as possible.

      Instead of linking a post to links outside the platform, break the article down into a series and create a smaller post that keeps people engaged on the platform. This kind of post will increase your engagement.

      In conclusion, although there is a change in the algorithm which will affect your engagement the solution is looking at how we can do it better and still increase our audience. As such we must focus on creating more content that adapts to the demand of both our audience and the platform.

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      JoanneSantos Premium
      Thank you very much for this article. I really needed to read this.
      I plan on starting to do this different on my FB page.

      Be Safe
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Joanne,

      I am glad you found it useful and implementable on the immediate.

      JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
      Great points to remember and to utilize.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Jerry,
      I am glad you found it engaging

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for another great lesson Ayodeji.
      Parameter Premium
      I appreciate your kind words Mike. I have continually looked at your new profile picture. I cannot understand why the lion has his hands on the head.
      lesabre Premium
      Hi Ayodeji, the lion was having a bad day. Hopefully, things will get better
      Parameter Premium
      Definitely things will get better.

      Kingschido Premium
      Hello, and thanks for the training.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you for the time taken to see the training.
