1. Create engaging Content

    One mistake many of us make when posting content on our Facebook page is creating content about our business instead of creating content for our audience. Don’t be trapped in this mistake. Facebooks is out for content that gains engagement. You must post what will arouse the interest of your audience. It should make them share your content.

    The first thing you should have in mind when posting on Facebook is that you need to gain attention first. There are 1001 marketers out there striving for the same attention. As such, you need a hook on your audience.

    To capture interest, you should be interested in finding stats related to your content, research current happening that can trigger engagement. Also, you can tweak your content to make your audience laugh. It is going to be about gaining attention at first sight.

    2. Boost Content

      If you are out to increase engagement, you will need to boost your content. The audience on this platform is large. But there is also a corresponding increase in the number of marketers there. It is worth noting that Facebook prioritizes post between friends and family than those from businesses. The implication of this is that your post on your Fan page may not reach all your followers, so posting valuable content alone will not do the magic.

      So you will need to boost your content. It does not mean you have to spend the whole of your wallet. With as low as USD 5, you can get it done. Ensure you boost your most valuable content to get good engagement. Then you increase the probability of getting Facebook to show your content again and again.

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      JoanneSantos Premium
      Thank you very much for this article. I really needed to read this.
      I plan on starting to do this different on my FB page.

      Be Safe
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Joanne,

      I am glad you found it useful and implementable on the immediate.

      JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
      Great points to remember and to utilize.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Jerry,
      I am glad you found it engaging

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for another great lesson Ayodeji.
      Parameter Premium
      I appreciate your kind words Mike. I have continually looked at your new profile picture. I cannot understand why the lion has his hands on the head.
      lesabre Premium
      Hi Ayodeji, the lion was having a bad day. Hopefully, things will get better
      Parameter Premium
      Definitely things will get better.

      Kingschido Premium
      Hello, and thanks for the training.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you for the time taken to see the training.
