You can also use to shorten links to use on Social Media. Again make sure you are logged in to bit ly before shortening a link.

Go to Bitly and you will see this

After you login you get to this page

If you click on Create link where the orange arrow is pointing you will see this box.

Now here is the cool thing. In customize where the arrow is pointing you can change the end of it to something that makes sense. For instance I changed this link to 1thingWA so I would remember what the link was for.

You can also get stats for the bit ly link. Not quite as good as the Goo gl link but still stats to see how many clicks you get.

Now you just need to take the link and use it on Social Media to post links back to Wealthy Affiliate. Everyone that follows the link who ends up signing up for Wealthy Affiliate you get as a referral.

So there is one of the answers to what else can I do to get referrals.

You can wait until things happen to grow your business or you can go out and make them happen. This is way to make them happen.

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Chezbrown Premium
Thanks for this and I am going to star it for later use. xxx
botipton Premium
Good it works
MikeAkers Premium
I have been doing this. Thank you for this training
botipton Premium
Ah someone else that can speak to how this works. Glad to hear you are using it Mike
MsMerry Premium
Awesome training for newbies and anyone who needs a refresher. I think you covered everything very well including how to use
botipton Premium
Thank you glad to hear that
MizBurke314 Premium
Well, Bo, this just answered the question I asked on the other page. :) I will be back to check this out this evening. :)

botipton Premium
Good Linda I hope it helps
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the training.
botipton Premium
Your welcome Pablo hope you learned something