Publishing Content on HubPages

Register for free on Hubpages or simply sign up with your Facebook account. After that, you log into your account and look for those to follow. You check out their profile through the header navigation where you will see the profile of other hubbers. If you leave a mail for them as one of their fans, they may be motivated to follow you.

If you have created an informative post, you can publish it in a new hub by clicking the “Start a new hub” button at the top right corner. Enter the title of the hub and give it a unique web address. Make sure you publish your article in the right category.

Choose a publishing format and type your content in the content capsule. You can also add other capsules like eBay or Amazon, and then save or publish it.

Monetizing Your Hub

After you have created your content, hit the “Earning” tab at the top right corner; you will see information on how you can earn on Hubpages Ad Program, Google AdSense, and Amazon.

You will need to visit the site you have chosen to sign up with. After a successful registration, you provide HubPages with your ID, so you can have it placed in your hub. What you earn from the program depends on how much traffic you are able to attract to your hub.

When you have hit the minimum payout of $50, you will be able to cash out earnings from any of your chosen affiliate programs. In the earning reports section, you will be able to see reports about your earnings.

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CarlaNavarro Premium
Hi Jim, this is Carla, I have been with WA off and on since 2017 and I am now in the stage that is serious for me. My future retirement income, and just to create quality comments, as I am working on my first book, along with a website that will elevate my book sales, in addition to educating people on the topic of the book.

I ran across your blog, and it looks like something that I could use
for my book, and practice.

I appreciate you opening this information platform for us here at WA, as this is something I had no idea was out there for us to allow us to grow, and be profitable in.

Have a blessed Friday!
Edubosah Premium
HubPages look like another platform to earn cool money, will check it out. Thanks for the information
Israel17 Premium
Hey Edubosah, thanks for your powerful contribution! Yeah, Hubpages is helpful when it comes to writing and making money. It's so promising and powerful.

Israel Olatunji
RosanaHart Premium Plus
I had a bunch of my articles put on Hub when Squidoo closed down. I haven't done much with them in years. There must be lots of flotsam and jetsum around the cloud!
Israel17 Premium
Wow, good to know you've got lots of your articles published on the platform, Rosana! I respect you for that. I joined Hubpages about 14 years ago and have earned some revenue via Amazon, eBay, and Google AdSense.

Israel Olatunji
JulietAA Premium
Thanks for this training Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Juliet! Thanks for your support once again! Hubpages has been in existence for more than two decades and it's been a reputable writing platform to showcase your skills and make money online.

Israel Olatunji
Scully2 Premium
Thank you for the information Israel :)
Israel17 Premium
You are welcome once again, Scully2. Good to know you found my Hubpages tutorial informative and useful!

Israel Olatunji