Points to Note as You Publish on HubPages

  • Even if you can make money on the platform, you should not publish with the intention of making money because their earnings are usually not much. You can drive more traffic and earn more money if you create your own blog and publish great and informative content on it
  • You should publish on HubPages because you have the interest to create and share your content with other hubbers. You may not be able to use the platform to drive much traffic to your site
  • You may not be able to get people to link to your articles on HubPages but it will be easier to get links to the articles on your blog or website.

HubPages Referral Program

The platform offers a traffic referral program for which you can sign up and get a referral tracker link. Go to the hub that you want to link to and at the bottom of the page, you will find “link to this page” or “email this page”. Then you insert your unique tracker or URL.

If someone gets to a hub you have chosen by clicking on your link, you get the traffic impression for that hub for 120 minutes.

To earn much from the HubPages earning program, you will have to publish many articles and get a lot of traffic to your hub. There are publishers who have been able to generate thousands of dollars from their hubs; to earn as much; you should have more than two hundred unique and valuable articles.

Many publishers may not be patient enough to keep publishing articles on HubPages without earning much yet; so you may not find many six-figure earners on the platform.

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CarlaNavarro Premium
Hi Jim, this is Carla, I have been with WA off and on since 2017 and I am now in the stage that is serious for me. My future retirement income, and just to create quality comments, as I am working on my first book, along with a website that will elevate my book sales, in addition to educating people on the topic of the book.

I ran across your blog, and it looks like something that I could use
for my book, and practice.

I appreciate you opening this information platform for us here at WA, as this is something I had no idea was out there for us to allow us to grow, and be profitable in.

Have a blessed Friday!
Edubosah Premium
HubPages look like another platform to earn cool money, will check it out. Thanks for the information
Israel17 Premium
Hey Edubosah, thanks for your powerful contribution! Yeah, Hubpages is helpful when it comes to writing and making money. It's so promising and powerful.

Israel Olatunji
RosanaHart Premium Plus
I had a bunch of my articles put on Hub when Squidoo closed down. I haven't done much with them in years. There must be lots of flotsam and jetsum around the cloud!
Israel17 Premium
Wow, good to know you've got lots of your articles published on the platform, Rosana! I respect you for that. I joined Hubpages about 14 years ago and have earned some revenue via Amazon, eBay, and Google AdSense.

Israel Olatunji
JulietAA Premium
Thanks for this training Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Juliet! Thanks for your support once again! Hubpages has been in existence for more than two decades and it's been a reputable writing platform to showcase your skills and make money online.

Israel Olatunji
Scully2 Premium
Thank you for the information Israel :)
Israel17 Premium
You are welcome once again, Scully2. Good to know you found my Hubpages tutorial informative and useful!

Israel Olatunji