Author RikaSF
Rank 24613

Here is a very short training video how you can find the real QSR (Quoted Search Results) for a keyword in Google Search.

QSR gives you an indication of how many other competition pages (websites) there are on Google for that specific keyword phrase.

Keyword Research Tools normally provide this information, but I like to confirm it on Google myself. Keyword Tools are not always 100% accurate when it comes to the actual QSR.

Millions of web pages (posts) are created each day and it would therefore be impossible for Keyword Tools to provide 100% accurate information all the time.

If you find this video helpful, please remember to click the like button.

PS: This is my first training video. I have very basic tools to create videos and the sound on my laptop is horrible. I have swapped my terrible accent for a song. Hope you enjoy it:))

If you have any feedback, questions or suggestions, please leave me a comment below:))

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Triblu Premium
Great tip, Thank YOU Rika!
RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Trish. Apologies for the late response:)
subcpo14 Premium
Rika, thank you. Jay
RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Jay:)
drjec Premium
Thanks. Very helpful. I see those messages, but have never compared them to the keyword tool results. Well, done.
RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Jim. Apologies for the late response:)
wozzy Premium
Rika, because of the vast amount of data you are never going to get a true answer, not even with Google.

There is well over 60K keyword searches every second and that's just Google alone, so an impossibility.

Real-time is never real-time, not as we would perceive it.

I also check Google against what the Keyword Tool shows me and always go with what Google tells me.

RikaSF Premium
Thanks for the input Mick. I agree with you. Google will give the most accurate search results.
MKearns Premium
Definitely a unique presentation Rika!
RikaSF Premium
Thank you Michael:)
Nekko26 Premium
Hey don't worry about your accent, I willing to bet if you spend 15mins on YouTube, you will find more than a couple that are very hard to understand, what I would do if your really that concerned or until your more confident use captions. But don't give up because, I promise you as a daily YouTube watcher your video without words beats the heck outta some, so stick at it, don't stop because of a doubt go around an keep trying till you are the expert!
RikaSF Premium
Thank you very much Nekko. I will never give up. The aim is to improve with each. Thanks for the tip. I apologize for the late response:)