The nature of influencer marketing is that companies want things to appear natural and they want their products to be in line with the things that you love.
Get yourself noticed online by companies by creating content on your website and on social media about the products that you use every day and love.
Your favourite coffee? Take a nice pic of you enjoying a cup of coffee and share it on Instagram mentioning the brand and what you love about it.
Buying a new outfit? Perfect, get a nice pic of you wearing your new outfit and say where you bought it and how great you feel in it, mention your favourite feature of the outfit - the fit, the colour, the feel of the fabric - tell your friends and the world.
Eating out? You know what to do! Snap that food and Instagram it!
In your home you have an abundance of awesome things to share so get cracking.
I can't tell you how many influencer jobs I have received simply by sharing about things that I use every day!
Have only ever warned off others when I made a TERRIBLE purchase that either cost my pet's health, my health or cost me money.
When a vendor refunds me... I find it tough to complain. THANK YOU for your great instructions!
With Grace and Gratitude