If you do not diversify your approach to obtain income but rather rely solely on your website to provide for you in the short term, you may become impatient in your financial progress. You should know by now that it will take about a year before you will be earning enough from your website to call it a full-time income and this depends on how often and hard you work at it.

Becoming financially wealthy through your own website creation will take years of hard work. Every successful online entrepreneur will tell you that it takes time and an entrepreneurial spirit. But as Kyle often says, your website is the foundation to your success online. I would like to take that one step further and say, your education at Wealthy Affiliate is that foundation to your success.

By using the education you acquire at WA and by letting your entrepreneurial creativity flow, this education will be the foundation for the diversification in income. So what can you take away from your WA education that can make you money in addition to what you hope your website can do?


Since you already have the knowledge of how to build a website, how to write content, how to do keyword research, how to do SEO, how to do social media marketing, how to do email marketing, video marketing, PPC, and any of the other forms of internet marketing taught here at WA, take that knowledge and offer your services to others.

Now though you are probably thinking to yourself what a great idea that is, I don’t want you to think it was something I came up with on my own. This “idea” is something many other members of Wealthy Affiliate already do. They know all too well that relying solely on their websites is not a smart path to take when their websites are in their infant stages.

Though our websites eventually come around to being money makers, for myself I will continue to diversify my money making opportunities. I have always believed in not putting all of my money making eggs into one basket. And if you have not guessed it by now, writing content is something I enjoy doing, mainly because I like to hold conversations with people and that is all content is, a written conversation.

NEXT UP = What I actually do and how you can too – if you choose to.

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Shoshinbal Premium
It seems very professional and inspiring..Thank you
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. Glad you liked my training.
Adeng Premium
Brilliant post Robert! Bet it'll helps many WAers top up their tank easily and have fun doing it.

I've been offered an interview for a writing (kind of, a bit more) job for a Fortune 100 company in Silicon Valley 3 days ago, right after putting up my profile on one of the freelance sites, and my profile is incomplete, even now.

And it looks like i have 90%+ chance to get the job!

What I'm saying is, diversifying and thinking outside the box do work. Just by putting myself out there, opportunity found me and knocked at my door!

Get out, do something, my friends. You'll be amazed what's out there.
boomergp08 Premium
That's awesome Angela! And that is the underlying point to this training. Take the knowledge you have gained here at WA in the creation of your website, put yourself and that knowledge out there, and make connections/get jobs.

Many blessings to you in getting that job.
Adeng Premium
Thank you Robert. I might have been in the job if you wrote this training earlier:)... Just kidding.

Again, thanks for the terrific training.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Angela! I would have posted this training sooner but I have been busy writing content for this new writing job I received. :-)
HelenpDoyle Premium
Thanks my Aussie sounding friend (a boomer is a male kangaroo!).
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Helen. I never knew that is what a male kangaroo was called. Seems like an odd name for an animal like that.
HelenpDoyle Premium
I always have since my mum was born in Sydney. I am not sure why and so far can't find out. The big red males do leave a thumping sound on hard packed ground and they also make a deep coughing sound when arguing. But who knows. And some of these reds are very big!
boomergp08 Premium
I have always wanted to visit Australia to experience the animal life there. We don't have kangaroos in the wild here, only in certain zoos.
HelenpDoyle Premium
I you ever do drop a pm and come and visit.
boomergp08 Premium
MarionBlack Premium
Thank you Robert. I signed up for freelancewritinggigs' newsletter before I got to Lesson 4 of your training☺ ~Marion
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Marion! :)
VanessaN Premium Plus
Hi Robert, this is really cool and very practical and anyone should be able to do this and make extra income online.
Freelancewriting.com also posts tons of writing opps as well, including poetry and magazine articles. Just in case anyone is interested.
boomergp08 Premium
Yes, Freelancewriting is my second favorite website.

However there are several links on that site that should be avoided because they offer very low wage opportunities that aren't worth spending time with.