Have you ever received a scam or a virus warning, panicked and immediate shared it with the intention of saving all your friends from this malicious attack, only to find out later on it was all a hoax?
Welcome to my very first training! Many more to come, but this time I wanted to create a training about something I don't think is talked about enough!
Spreading Hoax or False Information
Did you then try to inform people about your mistake or were you too embarrassed to do correct your mistake or did you perhaps think it couldn't hurt anyone to forward that warning? Well, this training will examine why people create hoaxes and why you should not forward them without thinking. It will introduce you to how to check if the warning is real and what to do to prevent others from sharing it.
The content of this training:
Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Types of Hoaxes or False Warnings
Page 3: Reasons People Create Hoaxes on Internet
Page 4: How To Check If a Warning Is Real or Not
Page 5: Why You Should Not Forward Them
Page 6: What You Should do When People Forward False Information