Author LynneHuy
Rank 1675

I remember when I had my first website built there was drama surrounding getting my domain email addresses set up and then I was also told there would be a limit to the amount of email addresses I could have for my domain and that if I wanted more I would need to pay for them. The details are all a bit foggy to me now since that was 6 years ago.

Then I found WA and setting up an email address for my domain takes literally seconds to do! If you don't know how to do it yet, this video shows you how quick and easy it is!

You can also configure your email address with Outlook, but I have never done that myself - How To Setup Email in Outlook

Related training: How To Add A Profile Picture To Your Email Address Using Gravatar

If you have any questions please leave a comment.

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DebbieRose Premium
The forward feature was new to me so this was very helpful. Thank you.
LynneHuy Premium
I am happy to help you become aware of that. That is the one I normally use. It makes everything so much more organized!
TopAchiever Premium
Here's the training in Text Format to compliment yours, for those who prefer it:
LynneHuy Premium
Thanks for adding your resource! PS the link I added to my training is your link!
TopAchiever Premium
I'll add your link to the training so they can have a video version too! :-)
LynneHuy Premium
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Elijah1916 Premium
Thanks Lynne. we all need this.
LJacob Premium
Nice work Lynne, well done
MozMary Premium Plus
I've created a training on configuring this email forward with gmail you'll see it is more professional than using gmail itself, and more convenient than webmail on the hosting, however there are some very specific steps involved as I've outlined here

I've had a few people request configuration with outlook, I'm not using outlook so if you are intending to set that up it would be great
LynneHuy Premium
Yes I don't particularly like Webmail myself. I find it old and tricky to use but I never check it...
MozMary Premium Plus
you realize you've told people how to set up webmail here, and now you say it is old and tricky and said you use gmail for your professional domain mail which is not domain mail?