So ...
Upon activation, go to Front End PM => Settings to access the plugin configuration page.
You'll be taken to the "General" tab, where each option is quite self explanarory. The most important option is the "Front End PM Page" drop-down menu which will allow you to select the page where you want to display the private messaging system. You can select an existing page or you can create a separate dedicated private messaging page:
The point: after selecting a page, you'll have to insert the [front-end-pm]
shortcode in your content. Simply open the given page in the page editor and copy the shortcode wherever you want. I am going to cretae a separate page:
And here's the result:
Cool, isn't it?
Another important setting: you can set a minimum capability level required for users to send or receive messages. The default capability is read, which means all registered users can send and receive direct messages ... But if you want, you can change it to write or edit, so that only authors or editors can use private messaging features ...
OK. Let's see the other tabs ...