Please note that if you change your default home page to a custom landing page, your blogroll or "recent posts" will no longer be displayed on this page. Here are your options:

Option 1 - Choose another page to display your recent posts as shown in the diagram below:

You may want to create a new page called "Recent Posts" for example. Then you can select that page for your post page and add it to your main menu.

Option 2 - Allow your recent posts to be shown on your newly created landing page. To do this go to "pages", "all pages" and find your newly created landing page from the list.

Double click to edit the page. Under "Page attributes" on the lower right side of the editor, click on "Template". Choose "page with posts" from the drop-down as shown in the diagram below:

Publish the page and your new landing page will now also show your recent posts (blogroll) underneath all the other content that you have created on that page.

Conclusion next....

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MsMerry Premium
sounds nice and easy. thank you.
johnwnewman Premium
Nice and easy! Cheers :-)
GaryStan Premium
Thanks John. Hope it helps.
swhittington Premium
Very cool! thanks for this tutorial.. gonna work on it!
GaryStan Premium
You are welcome Shelley.
Steve1958 Premium
Hey Gary...
Thanks for this tutorial...
It has just come in very handy for me...!
Best wishes...
GaryStan Premium
I'm glad I could help Steve.
Steve1958 Premium
So am I!!!!!!! :)
onmyownterms Premium
Thanks for sharing.
GaryStan Premium
You are welcome.