Content Marketing Is Not Equal To Advertising...

"If the main focus of your content marketing strategy is to advertise, you’ve misunderstood the entire concept and the content experience in general.

2016’s consumers no longer want to be sold to or pitched at. As a brand you should be aiming to build a relationship with your audience, rather than treating them as nothing more than a potential lead.

Contently puts it perfectly with its definition...

Content marketing (noun)...the use of storytelling to build relationships with consumers by providing them with something entertaining or useful.

While content is a way to assert your dominance, credibility and authority, it should be approached differently. Consumers expect a piece of content to include actual content - tips, advice, knowledge and information while an advert is just that.

An ad might say you are number one in your sector for example, while a piece of content marketing will show it. That might be in the form of a top 10 tips piece or, a problem solving blog post whereas an advert will come right out and say it."

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StepChook Premium
Good on you, Stevo!

I really like the idea of a brand voice. I would imagine that it takes patience and faith to nurture that brand voice.
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks Steve...

I have worked in ad agencies most of my life, so I got to learn a lot about branding and how importnant it is...

What you said and a lot of money in the old days! Most corporate brand advertisers were less than patient I can assure you!
MKearns Premium
Thanks Steve. Content marketing is more internal adjustment rather that external advertising!
Steve1958 Premium
You are quite right Mike...

It never used to be like that...

I was lucky enough to see literally millions of dollars slip through the coffers of various television networks (and spend it) as a media planner buyer in ad agencies...

There used to be obscene amounts of money spent especially on TV advertising...this still goes on today in USA...superbowl...need I say more???
And it still goes on here in Australia as good as social media is, and we can all write a million blogs...a 30 second 'targetted' TV commercial will always win...the difference media has to be in the marketing mix!
apbridges60 Premium
Good post - thanks for the advice and the tips!! That's why YOU ARE ranked #16, and I"M #418!!!
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks Amanda...

There are reasons behind how the ranking system's a link from one of Kyle's tutorials you might like to have a look explains a bit about the ranking system, what you have to do and how you can work your way up through the ranks...
rosieM Premium
Such a meaningful way to explain the process! This training was really least to me. Gives the whole concept with explanation .... thank you!
Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome Rosie...
I hope it offers you some help if needed!
cosmicradio Premium
Solid advice in this training, Steve. Thank you!
Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome Rick...
There's a lot to take in!