9. Have a Defined Reason for Starting a Vlog

If your only reason for wanting to start a vlog is to make money or become famous, then you may likely fail. You need to have a focus, either to educate or make people laugh

10. Know What You Are Trying to Accomplish Through Each Video

Don’t just upload any video, but rather upload videos with the intention of meeting a particular need.

11. Do Intensive Keyword Research:

Research properly and find out what people type into the search box when they are searching for something which relates to your chosen niche.

Use an integrated keyword research tool while making your video content and target the specific audience who are already in search for such resources.

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timstime20 Premium
Thank you
Israel17 Premium
Much welcome, Tim! Thanks for reading! I hope to see you start vlogging in earnest!

Israel Olatunji
Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thanks, Israel. With the exception of the actual video part. The steps to success are very similar to blogging. It is good to know we already possess the skills, we just need to turn them to video.....not easy for some who are camera shy.
Israel17 Premium
That's true, Alex! Some people are really camera shy and wouldn't consider it feasible to try vlogging, whereas, it isn't compulsory to create self-made videos to start a channel. Thanks for leaving a valuable thought!

Israel Olatunji
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Love this, Israel!
Israel17 Premium
Wow, Jeff! Glad you found this tutorial helpful! Much appreciated, as I see you go vlogging in 2020, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
It is indeed, Israel!
Parameter Premium
Thank you very much, a time will come when writing articles will no longer sell and all we will be selling is videos and podcast.

And it is here already
Israel17 Premium
Hey Parameter, vlogging is proven to have taken over text-based blogging as it calls for creating video content that the vast majority of users cherish and would help your blog dominate the search engine results pages starting from 2020. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
Vlogger? Is that a typo or a thing?
Oh, Nevermind..I get it! Lol
Labman Premium Plus
Video Blogger.