Website Analyzer Social Sharing by URL
The Page Level Results section displays all URLs present on your site, along with the social shares that each URL receives. You can sort the table by total shares or by network. If you are looking for more Facebook traffic, this will allow you to see the top-performing posts on Facebook.
If you are looking for more traffic from LinkedIn you can sort your LinkedIn shares to see the top LinkedIn users.
You can also compare your competitor's URLs to see which pages did well. This will help you generate content ideas and keep you from creating content that people don’t frequently share.
With this tool, you can find out what your competitors are doing better than you.
Enter your URL to compare your site's performance with 3 other websites.
Website Analyzer allows you to analyze multiple URLs.
Once you have done that, you'll get a summary of the most- and least-performing sites in your local area.
Comparative Analysis of Website Analyzer
It will display a ranking between 1 and 4. #1 denotes the site that is performing well, while #4 indicates the site that is not performing well. The major factors that determine the total score include traffic, SEO optimization of each site, social traffic received, and the speed at which the site loads.
Scroll down through the page and you'll find a detailed Competitive Analysis table.