So ...

Let's start with the standard/default shortcode. It looks like this:

[searchandfilter fields="search,category,post_tag"]

Here it is inserted into my content ...

... and here's the live result:

And as I said, you can easily customize your shortcode by adding any new argument ... Let's say that you want to include post types and the date field ... In this case, your shortcode will look like this:

[searchandfilter fields="search,category,post_tag,post_types,post_date"]

And here's the result:

Now let's say that you want to use a category search feature using field labels and checkboxes. In this case, your shortcode will look like this:

[searchandfilter headings="Select categories:" types="checkbox" fields="category"]

And here's the live result:

Note: if you are using multiple fields, types, and headings, then you need to make sure that items are in the same order for each parameter!

OK. Let's see another combination ... This time we are adding category, tags, and post type fields with different headings and form field types. Here's the shortcode ...

[searchandfilter headings="Post type, Category, Tag" types="checkbox, select, select"


... and here's the result:

Cool, isn't it?

As you can see, you can use the plugin (shortcode) in many different ways ... For more tips and code examples you can check out the full documentation here.

One last thing ... Don't forget the max width of your theme/sidebar template! Using too many arguments can create a "weird" outcome on narrower themes and smaller screens:

In such cases you can use two or more different (shorter) shortcodes:

And that's it my friends!

If you have any comments, further questions or update requests please don't hesitate to react! Like, comment and share!

And don't forget, you can easily come back to this tutorial whenever you want.

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Ragman1 Premium
Thank you for the plugin I'm going to try it
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Robert!
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Zed.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Roger!
bigrog44 Premium
No problem, Zed.
dowj01 Premium
Very useful plugin, thanks for sharing.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Justin!
Cherry21 Premium
You really good with these helpful plug ins. Thank you. I will say this post too.

Be Blessed.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Cherry!
Cherry21 Premium
Your Welcome.
ShihTzuSteve Premium
Another plugin added to my “must have” list. Thanks for sharing, Zed.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!