Here are some code examples to get you started:

10 posts under the "review" category with just a medium heading and image with no post excerpt

[add_posts category="reviews" show="10" h="3" img="true"]

5 posts tagged under sweepstakes with read more excerpt, large heading, with an image.

[add_posts tag="sweepstakes" show="5" h="1" full="false" readmore="Click here to find out more" img="true"]

7 posts under the "analytics" category, with size 2 heading, no read more, no image

[add_posts category="analytics" show="7" h="2" img="false"]

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ambweblounge Premium
Thank you. I was looking in Wordpress and could find it. Then I remembered come back to WA and I will find my answer. I sure did. :-)
bubbletokki Premium
Thank you so much!
jvranjes Premium
If I understand correctly this is about creating a category page, if so, no need for a plugin, this is done in a minute, there is a nice video by leoemery. Perhaps I misunderstood.

On the other hand, as I see this plugin has not been updated for 2 years. here is the warning I see: "This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress."

So I would be careful with it.
bubbletokki Premium
I've used it for a while with no problems!
I noticed it said that as well.

I wasn't aware there was an easier way to do it without a plugin, could you send me the video?
jvranjes Premium
Here is video by leo, I guess this is about the same thing but I am not sure
bubbletokki Premium
This method ia a bit different from that. That would really be considered adding posts to a menu, I supposed, rather than a page.

With this method you can control exactly what shows up as far as the exerpts and images, headers, etc. Plus you can write around the page instead of the posts just being listed.
Sqwee Premium
I am confused. I haven't looked at the video listed above just yet but my scenario is this: My menu consists of my pages. When I was going through the first course, that's how he had us set them up. I have a post on my main page but would like to add it to one of my other menu pages as it would fit better. Is this possible? Lol and I don't even know what categories are yet. I haven't gotten that far. All I know is that these things are confusing! :-D
bubbletokki Premium
That's fine! There are still plenty of things I don't know yet.

This is just if you want a certain page to show a list or excerpts if you click on the link from the menu (or from anywhere someone can access your page from), not just hover over it.

Example: Your menu consists of "Home", "Work at Home Ideas", "Reviews", "Scams", and "About Me". You may want to be able to hover over About Me and have "Contact" page as your subpage. To do this, you edit the menu. And you may also want a few work at Home ideas to pop up as a subpage under that. But what if, every time you made a new "review" post, you wanted it to appear all in one spot, without having to edit the menu, and also didnt want a whole bunch or subpages under "reviews"? This is what you do to accomplish that. Otherwise, when you click "Reviews" it will come up blank.

You can also have many different "menus" if you want. I use about 3-4 on my site for footer menus, social media menus, etc.

Categories are basically the same as tags, they are just relevant keywords that have to do with your content. Just like hashtags on social media. They also help organize your posts. Like i mentioned above, for every review you write, tag it as review, or put it under a "reviews" category when editing on WordPress.

If you did what I suggested in this training, you can now hit "" and your posts should appear however you like them to.

I hope that made a little more sense.
Csacra2 Premium
Did you ever figure that out? I’m stuck on that
pablocortina Premium
Thank you. This is helpful
bubbletokki Premium
Glad you found it to be a good read