Your content checklist

Using a content calendar to make sure that you put time aside for content development can be great for getting the creative juices flowing. The process forces you to focus, which is how new ideas come to the fore.

To help, here's a handy checklist to follow as you create your content calendar and write your new content:

  • Use topical or maybe even seasonal angles to your posts.
  • Take advantage of being 'in the zone' and write several posts at a time. Ultimately, this will save you time.
  • Think about regular features - this will set the expectations of your audience, who will return regularly for the latest posts or updates.
  • Give yourself a break and invite guest bloggers. We have a shed-load of colleagues here at WA who will only be too happy to post on your blog, in exchange to a reciprocated link back to their own blog perhaps.
  • Think about collaborating with other like-minded or similar niche bloggers (or even create a blogging group) and share the job of blog posting. I don't mean share blog posts across multiple sites as that will have SEO duplication issues.
  • Try and stick to your content calendar as closely as possible, but at the same time don't be afraid to make changes to it. It should a 'live' and fluid document that changes appropriately and as the needs and status quo dictates.
  • Remember, use your content calendar is a helpful tool, but at the same time try not to be a slave to it either!

I hope that you found this tutorial helpful and that it has made your task of blog content management and creation simpler and more thought through.

Please LIKE this tutorial and leave me any questions or comments below - you have my word that I will respond as soon as I see it. :-)

Kindest regards,


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Danigirl16 Premium
Great information! I'm curious..after installing the plug in, where can you see it?
SeanGreentre Premium
Hi Dani,
When you have installed it, you need to activate it - apologies if you've already done this. Then, if you go to your Posts menu item in Wordpress, you'll see the calendar listed there. One thing I forgot to mention is that you can schedule posts from within the post - if that makes sense! Then review your post schedule using the Posts/Calendar button. Hope that all makes sense. Let me know if not. :-)
Thanks also for your kind words. You are very kind.
Thanks again,
SeanGreentre Premium
OH, and thanks for the follow. I've reciprocated. :-)
Danigirl16 Premium
No, thank-you, Sean! I was actually thinking about coming up with a calendar for my time management, and this works perfect! Thanks for answering my question! Best Wishes here at WA!
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Dani. My pleasure. :-)
melindac Premium
Love this! I definitely need to create a content calendar!
SeanGreentre Premium
Haha. Thanks Melinda. You won't look back when you do. I live and die by mine :-)
drjec Premium
Thanks for this practical training. I really need something like this to help me keep blogging organized now that I am retired. Time just seems to slip by.
SeanGreentre Premium
Indeed. At times I find that there are just too many things to remember, so this helps me manage it all and streamlines my time. Thanks for your kind comments. I really do appreciate it.
subcpo14 Premium
Thanks for putting this together. jay
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Jay. I appreciate your kind feedback.
subcpo14 Premium
It is well deserved. Jay
Spark3r Premium
Omg! Thank you I really needed this training!
SeanGreentre Premium
Excellent. I'm so pleased that you found it useful Sam. Thanks for letting me know. It really is appreciated. Thank you.