Top Tip No. 3 - Create and revisit your content calendar

Creating a content calendar is always a good idea - especially for those days when you simply can't think what to write about. It may be a post a day, or even 2 or 3 a week. Whatever your schedule allows, you should have a content calendar with title ideas against each post.

I use one myself and, trust it works and has gotten me out of a writer's block hole many times. Your mind may be blank, but once you remind yourself of all those great content ideas you once had, you might be up and running again.

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PaulaKeen Premium
These are amazing ideas Sean. It's good to see you. I haven't been around much, but when I seen this lesson and that it was your work, I jumped right in to see what it was about :o). Very helpful for all!!!

I'm going to take these steps, make them into a graphic, and post it on my desktop screen as a reminder everyday I check in on my puter. :o)

Thank you. I hope you're doing well and that everything is working in your favor.

- Paula
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Paula. Great to see you again too. You are so kind. Thank you. I'd love to see the info graphic when it's done... that's a fab idea... love it 8-)
StefanieT Premium
Reminds me of that famous quote 'I only write when I get the inspiration, and that has to be 9am every morning '.
SeanGreentre Premium
Yes indeed Stephanie - that certainly rings true for me. Thanks so much for you comment.
MKearns Premium
Rest, refresh, diet and plenty of coffee
SeanGreentre Premium
Oh yes.... plenty of coffee indeed! Thanks Mike.
subcpo14 Premium
Thanks for these tips. Perfect timing. jay
SeanGreentre Premium
Haha. Thanks Jay. It's a common issue for me, hence the post!
subcpo14 Premium
Yes... I have been dealing with it myself. Thanks again. Jay
JBond1 Premium
Great reminder of why we're here! Thanks Sean, I needed that, and I guess a lot of others will appreciate it too! : )
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Juliana. To be honest, I hit the writing block myself today and thought it would be useful to write about how to get out out of it. I'm glad you found it useful. Thank you for your kind words. It really is appreciated.