Now that you've chosen an autoresponder service and signed up for an account, you need to get it set up.

If you're not familiar with the service, this will mean going through their tutorials, and basically going through the entire back office area to learn about what's inside and how things work.

Don't rely on just asking someone else. Go in there and figure the system out for yourself so that you really know how to use the service to your best advantage. This is critical, as you will be using your autoresponder alot!

After you've familiarized yourself with the service....practice!

Go ahead and set up some practice campaigns. Write some practice emails. Do everything that you're going to need to do for real....but do it in practice mode to begin with.

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mybiz4u Premium
Thnx so much.
mjbarrelet Premium
Hi Mary,
Just to let you know, Sendlane is specifically geared to email marketing. I'm using it and it is very simple to set up.
LouisaB Premium
Hello Mary, thank so much for this training. The other day, I just join Get Response. Now this training really gave me an opener on how to get started.
Mary-Elle Premium Plus
Glad that I could be of help to you Louisa!
LouisaB Premium
Mary you're welcome. Have a happy and safe week!
MKearns Premium
Very comprehensive training Mary-Elle. I agree with you on not using cheapie lists . You don't ask for free used tires for your carl Don't trust your precious site to half patched traffic!
Edi67 Premium
Thanks, for the lesson and your time to educating us mary Elle. Many blessings. Edi