Yeah. The title says it all. You are going to create a dummy account (as directly found in instructions from the Google folks themselves - see here) using your REAL NAME. Now I wouldn't bother adding any other information about yourself (real or otherwise). In order to stay within terms of service the Google Gods say you have to use your real name. Do that here (and don't forget to uncheck the little box):

Remember - no one is ever supposed to see this profile by design. So don't put anything for anyone to find.

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Shawn Martin Premium
Kathy1952 Premium
I haven't ventured into the Youtube world yet, but I am definitely bookmarking this tutorial for the future. You have made it very clear and thorough. Thanks!
onefineham Premium
Believe me, this integration is BIG. If I were starting over... I would be starting. right. here.
Kathy1952 Premium
I believe you! :)
amfc Premium
Great training. Thanks.
phrx Premium
onefineham Premium
I added a page about removing your dummy profile from search results after you reviewed the tutorial. It's an important step you don't want to miss if you have applied the lesson to any of your pages yet.
onefineham Premium
Well I finally made a tutorial for WA. I hope everyone finds it useful as Google has recently added an extremely powerful new feature to Youtube and Google+ pages.