Next Step: Click on the tutorial to get the full extent of the discussion.
However, if you are not satisfied with the answers you get or you feel your question has not been fully exhausted, you can always go back to your search results list and pick a different tutorial.

In the event you fail to get any satisfactory answers, you are free to go ahead and ask the rest of the community here at Wealthy Affiliate in several ways.

  1. Live Chat
  2. The questions section under your profile.
  3. Inbox -sending a private message
  4. Site Support for technical website support.

I'm sharing this because 90% of the times I had a question, I managed to get answers using these simple steps I have just outlined.

Hopefully, this simple tutorial will help someone. All the best!
Let me get back to content writing.

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GertrudeGoma Premium Plus
Great stuff Zegu
gardenguy Premium
Thank you Zegu........I have not done it this way, now I will.

ZEGU Premium
Thanks, Wayne, for stopping by. Every little helps.