What is a Facebook List?

A Facebook list is a means to segment your audience when posting using your individual profile. Facebook suggests lists for you, such as Family, Close Friends, School, Geographical Area, etc. But it is possible for you to create your own lists as well.

Many people have asked me how to separate their family/friends/business, and believe that having multiple profiles is the way to go. This is not true! You can lose your account if you create multiple profiles. This has happened to me in the past. Don't let it happen to you, regardless of how long you may have gotten away with it. It's a real pain in the rear to have to reconstruct a robust friends list on the remaining account. I still haven't recovered all the connections I had on my 'business' profile. It is just not worth it.

Use lists to separate your friends/family/business associates and tailor your posting audiences to those that would be most interested in the topic on which you're posting. Lists are also a great way to see more than your Home Feed will show you, as well as the fact that it will be in chronological order. Just know that if a list gets large (150+) your content starts getting curated by Facebook again (i.e., they don't show you everything).

A detailed explanation of how to create and manage lists will be coming in Part II of this Facebook Primer.

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MKearns Premium
Thank you for this great information dealing with proper handling of the foremost social media account Mel!
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome, Mike.
MKearns Premium
Thank you Mel, I'll probably see you on the upside of things any day now. Could be tomorrow with your excellent training!
Megastar Premium
Thank you Mel for the Facebook primer presentation.
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome.
PrBaker Premium Plus
Thank You, Mel, for sharing your expertise!
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome, Preston.
HoraceT Premium
Very good overview. Looking forward to the next part.
onmyownterms Premium
Thanks, Horace.
Karax Premium
very thorough explanation Mel. Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I am looking forward to see part 2 and part 3. It's going to be useful for me.
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome. Part II is almost completely written, it should be out in a day or so. If you don't mind 'liking' this if you found it useful? I'd appreciate it.
Karax Premium
Yep, often I forget to hit the Like button. bad habit. thanks for the reminder :)
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome. :)