Once you've submitted your article it will first be reviewed by human editors and if everything in your article is in accordance with the rules of the directory it will be published and available for everyone to see.

If you write good content, over time your article will be picked up by different publishers for content purposes and then the potential of your article to be seen will be multiplied hundredfold.

You have submitted your article in one directory, but now without you doing a thing about it, your article is being posted on several other sites. This number can multiply quite fast. This is one of the most important reasons why you should write good content, because this happens ONLY if your article is worth it.

Another great thing that will be happening on its own, it's that you will be building backlinks to improve the ranking of your site. When you publish valuable articles on a regular basis as an expert, editors and publishers will start to recognize you and pick your articles over others.

To ensure that your article is even considered for publishing by other sites, you need to write articles that are at least 400 words in lengths.

As you can see, when you submit an article, the possibilities for that article can be limitless. It's like a free ad that multiplies on its own without you having to do anything at all. And it's FREE!

This is also when you start building credibility about yourself and your product or business. This is the big difference with article marketing and any other type of advertising out there.

No matter what kind of ad you may write it would be very hard if not impossible to create credibility with that ad alone. With articles that is just what you are doing. You are creating credibility. That is a HUGE asset in internet marketing.

So, now that you've got to the end of this tutorial, take a pen and paper or put your little finger on the keyboard (what ever floats your boat, to write your first drafts) and start writing those articles.

Sylviane Nuccio


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Big Leagues Premium
Great tutorial! I learned quite a few things to make my article marketing campaigns better. Thanks Sylviane.
Supafly Premium

I enjoyed all four of your tutorials. I struggled with some of your usage errors, but it appears English is not your native language so I'll cut you some slack. In fact, have some gold for providing us with very helpful info.
DaisyLAX Premium

I enjoyed all four of your tutorials. I struggled with some of your usage errors, but it appears English is not your native language so I'll cut you some slack. In fact, have some gold for providing us with very helpful info.
klrrider Premium
This series is the best article writing direction in the Training Center. Simple, concise and to the point.

If you are serious about learning effective article marketing these are where to start.

Thanks Sylviane and keep 'em coming!

Moll Premium
This series is the best article writing direction in the Training Center. Simple, concise and to the point.

If you are serious about learning effective article marketing these are where to start.

Thanks Sylviane and keep 'em coming!
