5. NoFollow Attributes

We use links to refer to external and internal sources in our content. Links contribute immensely to our SEO and also affect the perception of others about your content. While they can make it look like a reliable piece backed up by relevant sources, they can also make it look like a piece of garbage with little or no relevance.

As such, you must pay attention to your sources and the effects of your links. Links are tagged by default as "follow links," meaning you cast a vote of confidence on your source. But you can also place a link and still do the reverse. You can add a no-follow instruction or attribute, meaning you are instructing search engines not to follow the link.

In conclusion, do not neglect the tiny bits that make up the big picture. While backlinks and other SEO tactics may look highly relevant, some meta tags are a must-have in your content.

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RCanty Premium Plus
Great food for thought!

Parameter Premium

You are welcome Canty.

I am glad you found it worth the read

Israel17 Premium
I agree with you, Ayodeji. Image alt attributes are as crucial as the content itself. This is ensuring that you can rank your images in Google Image search. Kudos!

Israel Olatunji
Parameter Premium
Thank you Israel,

This is where a lot of folks miss it out. They create images and leave alt title and description. Main while the alt title is the only way search engines will ascertain the relevance of the image. Once again, thank you for taking time to see the training

TitaWorks Premium
Ayodeji, the light dawns! Thank you!

-- Netta
Parameter Premium

Thank you Netta,

Wishing you lots of love in the year head.

Jenell44 Premium
Thank you for this great and easy to understand training on Meta Tags, Ayodeji. It all makes sense now!
Parameter Premium
You welcome Jenniee

I am glad you found it easy to follow

Zoopie Premium
Thanks for this, can you have the same meta tag description for similar posts.. Or will Google frown on that.
Parameter Premium
You welcome Steve,

Meta descriptions are essential for your articles. My guide word when creating them is in order of relevance. Ensure they describe your content and place your major keyword in it. Then you will be good to go.

An easy way out is seeing what is displayed on Google's first page for that topic. But avoid copying, just be creative about it
