3. Meta description

The meta description is another unique meta tag for SEO that resides in the header section of your content. It is conspicuously displayed on your SERP. They occupy the most significant space of these pages. They will increase your click-through rate and reduce the content bounce rate when well written. The top of it is that if your meta description contains the keyword, it will be boldened when the user searches. It will help you stand out and let searchers know they have found precisely what they are searching for.

It is worth noting that you cannot place all your keywords in the meta description, but you can put your essential keyword there. To effectively use this meta tag for SEO in your content, you must:

  1. Create a meta description for each article on your website
  2. Your meta description should not be more than 160 characters. Else Google will cut it off
  3. Ensure to include your most important keyword in your meta description

4.Image Alt attributes

    If you create images without taking note of this meta tag for SEO, you are leaving a lot undone. The image alt attribute describes the image's content for search engines and users when they cannot load the image. Since search engines cannot see pictures, they rely on the image alt attributes to understand the ideas on your website.

    Worth noting is that while there is an emphasis on using alt text with the images, also images must be relevant to the content wherein they appear.

    To effectively use this meta tag for SEO, you must

    1. Use your keywords in your alt text and be descriptive enough
    2. Ensure you optimize images that are relevant and will most likely be looked up by search engines and users

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    RCanty Premium Plus
    Great food for thought!

    Parameter Premium

    You are welcome Canty.

    I am glad you found it worth the read

    Israel17 Premium
    I agree with you, Ayodeji. Image alt attributes are as crucial as the content itself. This is ensuring that you can rank your images in Google Image search. Kudos!

    Israel Olatunji
    Parameter Premium
    Thank you Israel,

    This is where a lot of folks miss it out. They create images and leave alt title and description. Main while the alt title is the only way search engines will ascertain the relevance of the image. Once again, thank you for taking time to see the training

    TitaWorks Premium
    Ayodeji, the light dawns! Thank you!

    -- Netta
    Parameter Premium

    Thank you Netta,

    Wishing you lots of love in the year head.

    Jenell44 Premium
    Thank you for this great and easy to understand training on Meta Tags, Ayodeji. It all makes sense now!
    Parameter Premium
    You welcome Jenniee

    I am glad you found it easy to follow

    Zoopie Premium
    Thanks for this, can you have the same meta tag description for similar posts.. Or will Google frown on that.
    Parameter Premium
    You welcome Steve,

    Meta descriptions are essential for your articles. My guide word when creating them is in order of relevance. Ensure they describe your content and place your major keyword in it. Then you will be good to go.

    An easy way out is seeing what is displayed on Google's first page for that topic. But avoid copying, just be creative about it
