Competition - should I worry?

You have competition!

You have competition!

You have competition!

...all the other thousands upon thousands of internet marketers who all want a slice of that pie.

Think about this for just a few seconds... are wanting to buy a new hairbrush. You know you could just go to the supermarket and buy one, but hey! - you're sitting at your (remember the lesson?) computer, so you do a quick search for hairbrushes.

(and if you think that it's ridiculous looking for a hairbrush online, check out the screen shot below...a nice niche for someone!)

Almost 2 million results in 1/3 of a people DO look for hairbrushes online!

OK - you've found a couple (!!!) of websites selling brushes and check them out. Being a careful kind of person, you might even search on the second or third page of Google, if you don't find exactly what you are looking for. But here's the thing...

Which website is going to win your business?

The one that is nicely presented, describes the products well, is friendly and engaging, easy to navigate and easy to read and understand or...

One that is poorly presented, descriptions you can't understand, is boring or badly written...

It's a no-brainer actually!

Of course the first website is going to win your trust and ultimately, your business.

Two reasons to use proper English TO BEAT THE COMPETITION!

  • The more visitor interaction you get, the higher you are going to rank. And if your visitors are turned off and don't return to your website, you aren't going to get much interaction (duh!) Using correct English makes your site more user (customer) friendly.
  • Google also ranks sites that use properly constructed, grammatically correct keywords better than incorrect ones.

Competition - it's nothing to be scared of!

There's huge competition in most niches and it's just a case of positioning yourself to earn the trust of as many of your visitors as possible.

Let competition* spur you to do better than the other guys. Don't let yourself down by thinking that poorly-written, sloppily-spelled, badly-constructed content is going to do you any favours! If you turn your visitors off (and don't forget, you have about 20 seconds, max, to retain their attention after they click on your site), then there's no slice of that money pie!

*Check this blog about the power of competition...

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ConeyM Premium
Super thanks, Ellie--a very valuable lesson to learn. Communications is a very important factor and a superlative aspect in our everyday life.
LED63 Premium
You're very welcome - thanks for your input.
Yenomym Premium
Great advice. We all can improve on our writing skills.
LED63 Premium
That's right Marilyn - I try to hone mine every day. It's a skill that can be taught and learnt.
SaulGold Premium
I need to review your modules but you are correct about English. Unfortunately too many people have no idea what correct English is.
LED63 Premium
Thanks for your comment Saul. Please do check out my other training.
elinormavor Premium
Hi Ellie,

Excellent tutorial! Your conversational style creates a very friendly atmosphere for learning a difficult subject. I think you will reach those who desperately need this training in order to produce coherent content for their websites.

Cheers to you from the other Ellie!
LED63 Premium
Hi Ellie-too!
Thanks for your kind comment. How's tricks? Did you get my message the other day? Keep in touch!
elinormavor Premium
Yes I did Ellie-Also!.

And I will definitely keep in touch.

Currently I am designing a logo for my Paleo Pioneer website. It is quite a comic relief to do some artwork and take a break from the intensive learning process.

I have been studying tons of member tutorials along with the WA lessons. It is sort of like wading through an endless sea of crucial information that you know you gotta get down just right for things to work properly. The SEO seems to be the biggest challenge for me.

I hope things are going better for you guys. They must be somewhat, since you were able to get this honey of a tutorial up and running.

Be chatting at you here and there, maybe in the PM section.

The Other Ellie
(I have close friends, Ernest and Emily, a couple, who are both successful writers. I have been editing Em's self-published novels and short stories. And I often sign off emails as The Other E.)
LED63 Premium
Hello Ellie-too
Things are pretty tough - but I write for fun, so it's a bit of 'comic relief' also. Is your Paleo website a WA one? I'm gonna check it out!
Thanks for keeping in touch
elinormavor Premium
I do not have it up yet. I will let you know when I do so I can get some pointers from you. Sorry things are still tough. Sending blessings and prayers for everything to work out soon. Ellie-too
LED63 Premium
Thanks - I look forward to seeing it :-)
Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Ellie. You nailed this again. Great training. Very practical. Thank you.
LED63 Premium
Thanks so much for your kind comment!