Day 7:

Subject: Let's Stop Thinking Small!

One of the most powerful secret online, is creating your own cash "profitable" website.

We established this in our last email.

But do you really understand the scope of how big you can go with it? You can create an absolutely massive business for yourself doing what you love.

I know highly successful people making good income online, simply doing what they love ... When they had set up their "system" and fundamentals, they sit back and relax and enjoy special moments with their loved ones and the cash keeps rolling in.

Why they are plugged into a well-oiled system.

To join them, all you need to do is choose a niche you LOVE, develop an effective game plan, set up your "monetization", and then just blog to your heart's content.

Naturally, there are little steps you'll need to take along the way to maximize your effectiveness, reach, and profitability.

For this reason, I can't urge you strongly enough to get your hands on some truly top-shelf education. I personally recommend :

>> Put yr Wealthy Affiliate affiliate link here

Here's a scalable system :

There are 2 major ways you can monetize your website:

1. Becoming an Affiliate

This is a short-term approach and the easiest to start earning commissions. You can promote products and services via special programs known as “affiliate programs” which mostly are free to join.

They allow you to promote virtually anything you can think of without the need to own or develop the product.

All you have to do is brainstorm a few products ideas you can sell to your niche as an affiliate.

Ensure the product has high perceived value and offer great solution to your niche.

(Then insert your WA affiliate links)

2. Selling Your Own Products

This by far the most profitable; long term strategy. Selling your own products such as information content, software, and physical products or providing service to your clients.

Although this require skills and knowledge in the respective fields.

If the idea of creating an asset that produces income for you now, and an even better income well into the future appeals to you, then Wealthy Affiliate is your golden ticket.

>> Click Here For Your Breakthrough...

(Put in yr WA affiliate link)

I challenge you to click that link above and see what your new life can look like starting today.

Sound good?

Awesome, my friend. seriously I can't wait to hear about your online success! Wow!

Until next time,

Have a fantastic day!!

Talk to you soon!!

Your Friend & Marketing Coach

(Yr Name)

(Yr Website)

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Claudioj Premium
Many thanks, these messages are very important for start an Email Marketing using the autoresponder. I never use this tool but I must start..
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Claudio.:)
AlexVS Premium
Tagged it. Thanks so much for sharing. Will definitely use.
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Alex.:)
LH-CLUB Premium
Nice little ebook Jewel
JewelCarol Premium
Thanks Lou.:)
reanna1 Premium
Thank you, Jewel!
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Rebecca.:)
GautamWorld Premium
Nice one. Thank you, Jewel. :)
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Gautam.:)