Day 5:

Subject: Building in the Path of the Wrecking Ball

Every now and then I read several replies from blog post, forums and conversations of people saying things like: "hey dude, I really need to make 5000 dollars in the next 3 days, what is the latest push button tool that can guarantee such a result or weird insider secrets"

Anytime I read such messages, I get a bit pissed off. If you want to spend your life wandering the ghettos of the Internet, be my guest. But do not blame me if you end up wasting time and money.

A couple of years ago, the rage on the web was clever little programs that generate thousands of garbage pages that get picked up by the search engines.

You'd stick AdSense ads on them and make some money - because when people come to a junky page they either hit the back button or click on something that looks good.

Time has changed.

The Internet is just like real estate. So why would anyone want to build a building this month, knowing the wrecking ball is coming through the East wall next month?

But when you build on a solid foundation, you don't have to start all over again.

Oh yeah, and there's another thing too: When you build your business on a solid foundation, when you cultivate your customer base, when you nurture your customers like watering a garden, guess what? If you need some "moolah" money in the next 3 days you can get it. Gotta plant the seeds first though.

First of all, you need to ask yourself the right question. Which is how do you start from scratch to build a successful online business? Without stepping on the sticky internet mud.

You need to identify or discover your passion. Something that gets you excited, sparks your interest. There are millions of different ideas that you could potentially develop into a profitable venture online and we are going to help you come up with your very own “topic” within Wealthy Affiliate

(Insert yr WA affiliate link here).

Like me for instance in I am passionate about the “Internet Marketing Niche” Why? Because I love helping people realize their dream to live a prosperous and happy life.

The Internet Marketing niche is huge with millions of searches daily on “How to make Money”. I can easily transform my passion by creating valuable contents that suits such market and in the same time promote other helpful resources.

There are several ideas no matter how small can make a potential difference online.

At Wealthy Affiliate (insert yr WA affiliate link) there are many helpful members and professionals who are so willing to help you come up with your very own idea.

There are two steps that will transform your interest into a successful business:

Developing your Ideas

The aim is to get pleasure from what you are doing. When you pick an idea you are passionate about, success is a lot more likely to follow.

Take the First Step

There’s truly no better way to begin than jumping in head-first. At first, you may not have the exact plan mapped out. But the advantage of starting a business around an interest ensures you understand why and what you’re doing.

This will enable you to overcome obstacles that may arise in the process. It’s this deep-rooted drive and passion that will keep you inspired and engaged.

Transforming your interest into a successful business not only enables you to be profitable whilst doing something you love, it helps set you up for a long lasting success.

People don't know this but 99% of success depends on your mind-set and ability to take action,

You see, the average person just doesn't have the drive, passion, determination and perseverance to truly be financially stable.

That's because most average person don't work on their mind-set, but rather come home after their dead and job and turn on the TV.

I know you are reading this because you want a real change with real results.

Here is what I want you to do next...

Either go to the book store locally and pick up

"Think and Grow Rich" and "The Science of Getting Rich", or you can just YouTube it. Read at least 2-3 pages a day and if you can do more that's even better.

Within 30 days, you will start to have a mind-set shift and from there things will start to change.

The second thing you must do is find some kind of business model where it works even if you are not.

You can't exchange time for dollars anymore if you truly want financial freedom.

I got the business model for you covered...

>> Click Here and Change Your Life Now

(Put yr WA affiliate link here)

When you come home each day, make sure you work your business at least 30 minutes to 45 minutes a day and do this for the next 90 days.

WATCH your life change before your eyes with the right mind-set and the vessel to get you there.

This is truly going to be an amazing moment for you.

>> Click Here for Your vessel

(Put yr WA affiliate link)

The only way to fail is if you quit...

But with changing your mind-set with those books I mention earlier, you won't quit...

See you at the top,

Until next time,

Have a fantastic day!!

Talk to you soon!!

Your Friend & Marketing Coach

(Yr Name)

(Yr Website)

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Claudioj Premium
Many thanks, these messages are very important for start an Email Marketing using the autoresponder. I never use this tool but I must start..
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Claudio.:)
AlexVS Premium
Tagged it. Thanks so much for sharing. Will definitely use.
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Alex.:)
LH-CLUB Premium
Nice little ebook Jewel
JewelCarol Premium
Thanks Lou.:)
reanna1 Premium
Thank you, Jewel!
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Rebecca.:)
GautamWorld Premium
Nice one. Thank you, Jewel. :)
JewelCarol Premium
My pleasure, Gautam.:)