10. Join Forces with a TikTok Influencer

Partner up with someone who compliments your brand when looking for a TikTok user to help with Black Friday campaigns. You can set up the promo, so people must swipe up to get it.


Black Friday is an opportunity every small business should seize. You will likely make most of your annual sales on Black Friday or between Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

You now have these top-notch marketing ideas to boost your sales. Even if for whatever reason you are not ready for this year’s sale, then start planning for next year. Choose the ways that you will promote your products and start creating banners and video now.

Perhaps you are new to all this, you still have 3 days to go, so try a little promotion, just dip your toe in for some experience. Put a banner in your side widget, create a landing page with a banner and promote it on your social media, what have you got to lose?

Above all have some fun with it!

Here are some more tutorials to help you grow:

Why audience engagement is important.

What is a landing page and do you need one?

14 Tips to turn traffic into sales.

Thanks for visiting today. I hope this has helped you to think about all the fun ways to promote your business and get more sales.

Please leave a comment and a like.

Warm Regards,


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Christorv Premium Plus
I see, Lily, you really came up with such a great list. Thanks for the training.

I hope your first WA promotions is going great so far 🙏😂
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Christo,

Nothing yet but more traffic, so that's good. Still, time to happen.

Zoopie Premium
Great information, what tools do you use to “gamify your promotions.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Stephen,

I haven't this year but am planning to do it next year. Let me know what you try.

LMH1968 Premium
So many great ways to choose from.:-)
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Lisa. I can see myself using most of them over the next few years.

I hope you are doing well.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Lily, easier said than done. It requires a lot of effort, especially for new marketers who doesn’t understand how to market or what to say. Like I stated, I get frozen. These tips helps shed the light on what to do, thanks for the training. It’s easier to break it down in smaller steps but if a new marketer doesn’t have the experience with online technology it becomes harder. Tools available helps but need training to understand how to promote products and services.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I really understand Brenda. Just choose one that you think you might be able to do, such as putting a banner in your side widget, and do that.
By next year you will know more, trust me.
