How To Make Your Own Vision Board Online?

Let me start by telling you how I actually made my beautiful Vision Board...

Here are the steps:

  1. I listed out all my dreams in chronological order in my Evernote notebook.
  2. I searched for images for each of my dream on Pexels, Pixabay and in my phone.
  3. I used Canva to create all the images on my Vision Board individually to add all the texts I want within the images.
  4. At the same time, I used PhotoCap to edit some images. You can use any photo editor like PhotoShop, etc.
  5. I then used Canva to put all the images into one piece of image.
  6. I downloaded the image and go to the local printing shop to print it out on an A3 paper.
  7. I went to local stationary shop to purchase "Plastic Corrugated Board" and paste the printed paper onto the board.
  8. Finally, I pasted it on my wall where I can see it everyday.

(P.S. The information and links for all the tools I used will be at the "resources section" in the next page.)

(Plastic Corrugated Board. This is just the board I chose to use. You can use any kind of board. Be creative.)

Things to take note:

  • Size of each image: Try to use larger images so that you won't have a problem of having very blur images when you print out.
  • The size of the image which I put everything together is 5000px by 3500px. The larger the better. I used this size because the maximum size Canva can edit is 5000px.
  • Remember you use those tapes which can be easily removed when pasting it on your wall so that you won't have a sticky and dirty wall after you remove the board. Definitely, you can use other ways to hang your board on your wall depend on your wall and how you make your board.

Other Methods to Create a Vision Board

What I did is to put everything together in one piece first before printing out a huge piece of paper.

There are many ways you can do it.

#1 Print out separate images before pasting them onto a big paper/board

This can be an easier alternative because you just simply need to print out all the things you want. After that, you can move all the pieces around until you are satisfied.

This is for people who are not really good at designing using computer. (Nevertheless, tools like Canva makes designing on computer really easy. You just need to spend some time get yourself familiar with it.)

#2 Use a Cork Board and pin all the printed images onto it

This is even easier because you just have to print out the images you want and pin them anywhere onto the cork board.

#3 Draw directly and/or Secure printed images onto a White Board

You can directly write and draw on the white board. You can also print out images and secure them onto the board using magnets.

Tips For Making a Beautiful Vision Board

There are many many ways to make a beautiful Vision Board. Some quick tips are:

  1. Be creative and be yourself
  2. Choose images wisely
  3. Don't forget about simplicity

Next Up: What Should You Include in Your Vision Board?

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emergent Premium
Great Idea, thanks, Jerry. Love it am now working on my own vision board.

Really enjoyed the training.

JerryHuang Premium Plus
Hi Sharon! If you're fine with it, I would like to see your vision board when you're done! Look forward to seeing your:)
Triblu Premium
Hey Jerry,

This is a GREAT idea!

Years ago now, Amway had us create dream boards (same idea) and they really DO work. Everything I put on my dream board happened EXACTLY as I had displayed in pictures ... seriously ... so pick wisely.
JerryHuang Premium Plus
Really nice to hear that Trish!
MKearns Premium
For your montage: Children, cats, dogs, personal memories and quotes in that order!
TeamIceCream Premium
Oh Mike, you left the most vital out: WIFE! [wink] How dare you? ;-) LOL!
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the lesson
JerryHuang Premium Plus
You're welcome!
joekeriii Premium
Thanks, This is something I will do! Joe
JerryHuang Premium Plus
That's great! Hope to see your product soon Joe:)