You will need three technical elements to set up a professional blog: a domain name, a blogging platform, and a web host.

By being a member of WA with your WordPress blog already hosted, we skip on to the next part.

Customizing the blog's appearance.

You can make your travel blog your own by customizing the following:

  • Both paid and free themes are available. There are also travel-specific themes available. Don't overthink your blog's theme when you're just starting out. Start with a free one because, unlike your blog's name, the design can be changed later.
  • Your header appears at the top of your blog. In the header, you can share your blog's name in text format or upload a photo with your logo.

You can use a branding board to simplify choosing the blog's overall look. Branding boards include:

  • Have a set of 2 to 3 complementary colors (anything more would be distracting).
  • Limit fonts to three. One for your logo, one for headings, and one for body copy.
  • When visitors visit your blog, you want your images to reflect what you want them to feel.

Plugins increase blog functionality.

Users love WordPress because of its customizability through plugins, which are scripts you can install to add functionality to your site.

Some plugins are designed specifically for travel blogs. Some of these include:

You can use a travel map to show your readers where you've been.

Whereabouts: Displays where you're currently located so readers can see where you're at.

Add an Instagram plugin to your blog to showcase your travel photos.

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JeanG63 Premium
Very informative, and insightful. Takes off some of the shine often associated with travel blogging. Sounds like the info comes from one who knows....
RCanty Premium Plus
WOW Jannette, thank you for the breakdown! I pondered the thought of a 'Travel Blog' once or twice. With the information you have provided here, I can seriously consider my options.

My preference would be for a personal expression type blog. Sharing my experiences, knowledge, and creativity.

Explaining the processes and considerations are a big help too. There are some within WA that already have the experience to write tons of content; moreover, you have provided a path to travel.

Appreciate the info,
muslimah Premium
Very detailed and well-researched training.
Thank you, Jannette.
Zoopie Premium
Very interesting. I teach ESL in Vietnam and that is my niche, however I am expanding a bit to what people should see while in Vietnam. So this is helpful.