Travel blogging doesn't scare you off? Here's how to get started with step-by-step tutorial training.

Choosing a Niche

To get started, you can either travel first, then start a travel blog, or create a travel blog first, then travel. People in the former situation may want to share their travels with their family and friends, while people in the latter situation plan to expand and monetize their travel blog in the future.

Food blogs are everywhere, so it's best to choose a niche (especially when you want to earn money from travel blogging) that will help you stand out from the crowd since general travel blogs will not perform well for SEO efforts.

Sub-niches of travel blogging

Travel blogs can fit a variety of niches and fill a need. To some, their niche is natural. It may take others some time to decide. You can ask yourself the following questions when determining a niche for your travel blog:

  • What makes me want to blog?
  • What am I passionate about sharing or teaching others?
  • Where do my skills, strengths, and interests lie?
  • Will I be able to write about this topic for a long time? Please don't make it too general or too specific.

The following are some of the most popular travel niches to get you started:

  • City blogging: Write about your city (you don't have to travel that far, and you probably know more about the topic than most)
  • Country-focused: Write about places in your country
  • Area/Region: Write about places in South America and Southeast Asia
  • Demographic-focused: Travel blogs focused explicitly on Americans/American passport holders
  • Budget travel
  • Luxury travel
  • Solo travel
  • Female travel
  • Traveling for work
  • Adventure travel
  • Family travel
  • Empty nesters/traveling for seniors
  • Traveling with disabilities

If you're ambitious, you can even blog about your journey, as Gary Arndt has done on Everything Everywhere. Since selling his house in 2007, he has traveled worldwide (over 175 countries and counting).

Another option would be to try and be the first in your niche. Discover a market gap if you can. Why hasn't anyone done this? Try it yourself!

You can also visit my previous blog about "Broken Down Travel Niche Ideas"

Take some time to consider your niche before moving on to the next part of this training.

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JeanG63 Premium
Very informative, and insightful. Takes off some of the shine often associated with travel blogging. Sounds like the info comes from one who knows....
RCanty Premium Plus
WOW Jannette, thank you for the breakdown! I pondered the thought of a 'Travel Blog' once or twice. With the information you have provided here, I can seriously consider my options.

My preference would be for a personal expression type blog. Sharing my experiences, knowledge, and creativity.

Explaining the processes and considerations are a big help too. There are some within WA that already have the experience to write tons of content; moreover, you have provided a path to travel.

Appreciate the info,
muslimah Premium
Very detailed and well-researched training.
Thank you, Jannette.
Zoopie Premium
Very interesting. I teach ESL in Vietnam and that is my niche, however I am expanding a bit to what people should see while in Vietnam. So this is helpful.